Complaints Procedure

Have a Compliment or Complaint?

At initio, we’re committed to providing you with excellent service and support. Your feedback is important to us, so whether you’d like to give a compliment or make a complaint, we’d love to hear from you.

For a Compliment

It’s always nice to hear a compliment firsthand, so if we’ve done a particularly great job send us an email and let us know.

For a Service or Claims Complaint

Step 1:   If you haven’t already discussed your service complaint or claim complaint with the person you’ve been dealing with at initio, please talk through your concerns and we’ll try and resolve it within 3 business days.

Step 2:  If you are not satisfied you can make a complaint by contacting our Complaints Manager.

Our Complaints Manager will review your feedback and then work with you, and the insurer of the policy (if a claims complaint), to find a solution.

Phone Email Post
To speak to our Complaints
Manager, phone us on:
To email your complaint, send
it to our Complaints Manager
To send your complaint by
letter, post it to:
0800 763 929 [email protected] The Complaints Manager
PO Box 19497
Hamilton 3244

Once you’ve lodged a complaint, we will:

  • acknowledge your complaint within 5 business days.
  • provide the contact details for the person who will be handling your complaint.
  • contact you if more information is required.
  • approach all complaints with an open mind, listen, and treat each complainant as an individual and with courtesy and respect.
  • try to resolve your complaint quickly.
  • send you a written decision, as soon as practicable – always within 10 days of us having the information necessary to consider your complaint.
  • confirm what steps you can take to escalate the complaint if you are still unsatisfied.

Step 3:  If you are not satisfied with the outcome from Step 2 above you can write directly to the underwriter, and we will help facilitate this.

Initio insurance policies are underwritten by IAG New Zealand Ltd

The Manager Customer Resolutions IAG
Private Bag 92130
Auckland 1142

Lodge a complaint online here: Making a complaint (

Email: [email protected]  copying in initio [email protected]


Step 4: What should I do if I am not satisfied after making a complaint and working through the initio internal complaints process?

If you feel your complaint is not resolved to your satisfaction or you are unsatisfied with the response or resolution, you can contact Insurance & Financial Services Ombudsman Scheme (IFSO). IFSO is a dispute resolution scheme of which we are a member. This service will cost you nothing and is an independent service that will help investigate or resolve the complaint. You can click here to find out how to make a complaint to Insurance & Financial Services Ombudsman Scheme.

You can contact IFSO at:

Postal Address PO Box 10-845, Wellington 6143
Telephone 0800 888 202
Email address: [email protected] 

Your relationship with Initio and IAG 

The insurance policy contract is provided and distributed online by Initio and is underwritten by IAG New Zealand Ltd.  The contract of insurance is between you as the insured party and IAG New Zealand Ltd, as the insurer (registered with the Reserve Bank of New Zealand).  When you sign up for insurance cover through us; Initio provides the technology, platform, policy support, and claims management and IAG provides the insurance cover, and also the final decision on complex claims and claims under review as part of a complaints process.   Claims are facilitated by initio, but it is IAG that is ultimately paying claims and deciding on complaints.